Book Title: Dark Lover:
A Novel of the Black Dagger Brotherhood
Author: J.R. Ward
Genre: Paranormal Romance/ Urban Fantasy
Page Count: 393 (actual story, w/ glossary)
Word Count: Couldn’t find it anywhere
Audience: Adults (or so they say)
So for my first book review EVER I decided to do a book that I’ve read multiple times throughout the years. While I do consider this one of my favorite books (and series) that doesn’t mean I think it’s perfect and I won’t be completely praising and preaching this book either.
The Book is Dark Lover, the first novel of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. On the back of the book you get this as your description:
The only purebred vampire left on the planet, Wrath has a score to settle with the slayers who murdered his parents centuries ago. But when one of his most trusted fighters is killed- orphaning a half-breed daughter unaware of her heritage or her fate - Wrath must usher the beautiful female into the world of the undead…
Racked by a restlessness in her body that wasn't there before, Beth Randall is helpless against the dangerously sexy man who comes to her at night with shadows in his eyes. His tales of brotherhood and blood frighten her. But his touch ignites a dawning hunger that threatens to consume them both…”
So yes, basically the story is about a group of buff, sexy beyond comprehension, vampire warriors that fight against a group called “Lessers.” Lessers, as stated in the glossery, are basically de-souled humans who are a part of the “Lessening Society.” I won’t get into too many specifics since I’m here to review, not give you a summary of the story, but, I just would like to point out that these “Lessers” smell like baby powder and when I read this little fact I was relieved that someone else out there hates the smell of baby powder just as much as I do. Honestly, if evil had a smell it would be baby powder. My kids are screwed if they think they’re getting any in their diaper. What’s the worse that can happen in I don’t? Chafing? They’ll thank me in the long run.
Now, this novel, and all of the other novels in this series, is written in multiple point-of-views. Naturally, you get the p.o.v. of the sexy vampire warrior and then the p.o.v. of the heroine of the story (who is also amazingly beautiful) and this is usually the case when you get to hear a story from more than one person’s mind, but this book doesn’t limit the story to just the two leading characters. You also get point-of-views from supporting characters like the rest of the brothers, etc. (many of which end up having their own novel) but, what struck me the most is that we get the p.o.v. of the villians, the “Lessers”. We get to see the actions and mindset of the characters we are supposed to grow to hate, and honestly, most stories don’t let you have that option.
If you don’t read the Lesser p.o.v. sections (something that I’ve done after I initially read the story) it really won’t hurt the plot of the story, but you could miss some details that would add to the suspense/ thrill of the book. You’re sometimes given information that the lead roles know nothing about and the entire time you’re screaming “NO! DON’T DO IT! THEY’RE WAITING FOR YOU.” But of course, it happens anyway and you’re rushing through the words to make sure your new fictional crush is okay. Sometimes the parts where you are plunged to the world of Lessers is actually quite interesting, especially when they go into the initiation ceremony, but more times than most, you have to trudge through these sections just so you can get back to what you want to read: HOT VAMPIRE SEX.
Yes my friends, this book is full of steamy vampire sex that could easily rival any erotica out there. Is it necessary for the plot? Eh, that can be argued. Is it fun to read? Why of course it is! Who doesn’t want to hear about a tall, dark, and handsome vamp “mounting” a female as she “blooms” for him? Yes, the book actually says “Her core bloomed for him.” (pg. 62 if you're curious) And while I’ll admit I’ve read some pretty bad erotica ,that is one of the FUNNIEST ways to say “she got wet.” Personally, I’m pretty flipping tired of vaginas being compared to flowers. IT LOOKS NOTHING LIKE ONE, TRUST ME. For those of you who DO think it looks like a flower. . . avoid sending me any, I’m afraid of what might be in that crinkly plastic paper with the name card.
If you’re not a big fan of reading the “down and dirty”, I would still recommend this book. It actually has a very decent overall plot and the sub-plots are pretty spiffy too. Did I mention there are action scenes to supplement the sex scenes? There are. And for someone who isn’t too into the whole “Action” genre, I actually enjoy reading these parts. The fight scenes aren’t too hard to keep up with if you don’t know much about fighting and you get as invested in these scenes as you would the sex scenes. If you really don’t know anything, like what a Hira Shuriken is, it’s not hard to google a term. If you don’t’ have a way to google while you’re reading, don’t fret. Eventually Ward will explain what it is in simple terms, a throwing star, and you’ll be saved from being left clueless.
Overall, Ward manages to balance love/romance with action/fighting in a way that doesn’t have one overpower the other. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys the urban fantasy genre and a good vampire tale. No sparkly vampires here, thank god. Also, if you’re worried that these vampires are too “perfect” and without problems, think again. These vampires have more issues than a drug dealer addicted to his own product and while they may have astonishing looks, they don’t have everything as you’ll soon find out if you read the books.
Although there is some use of adverbs (usually anything ending with –ly like softly, roughly, wtc. ), which I’ve been taught to avoid like the plague, the writing style is pretty clean and straight forward. You don’t have to constantly re-read to understand and the less time wasted in this aspect means more time for ranchy time!
My rating for Dark Lover by J.R. Ward is: O O O O C (4.5 coconuts)
That’s all for now folks! I’m gonna try to post these a little earlier and tomorrow I’ll be going through ALL of my books to catalogue them on That’s gonna be a pain in my fluffy ass, but it’ll be worth it in the long. Until next time, Anonymous reader!
~The Ink Eater
Quote/Event/Thought of the Day: “This job makes you a horrible person…or just a whore.” – Co-worker
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